Options for Replacing Missing Teeth After a Dental Emergency

Options for Replacing Missing Teeth After a Dental Emergency from Family Choice Dental in Albuquerque, NMNobody wants to be searching for options for replacing missing teeth, but it’s good to be prepared just in case. Not only is a missing tooth an eyesore, but there is usually an underlying reason behind it. Mouth diseases such as gingivitis or accidents are generally the most likely culprits for losing a tooth. No matter the underlying cause, a missing tooth can quickly lead to a dental emergency if left untreated.

How to avoid dental emergencies

The best way to avoid a dental emergency is to stay on top of your tooth health. It sounds overly simplistic, but the fact is that if you take care of your teeth, then your teeth will take care of you. Dental emergencies can be avoided or mitigated by doing the little things like brushing and flossing multiple times a day. You can take it a step further and wear a mouthguard when you sleep to avoid grinding your teeth together. If you want to avoid looking for options for replacing missing teeth, preventative measures are 90% of the battle!

Types of dental emergencies

Several different things constitute dental emergencies.


A toothache is the most common type of dental emergency, and it’s something that most of us have had to endure. Few things ruin your day more than a toothache. Menial tasks such as brushing your teeth, chewing food, or drinking water can become painfully unbearable. At the first sign of a toothache, it would be wise to seek dental help to avoid a full-blown emergency.

Chipped teeth

If you’ve ever chipped a tooth, you know what a pain it can be to fix. When possible, find the missing part of your tooth and save it for the dentist to reattach. If this is impossible, then the dentist will repair the tooth by using a mold or paste.

Abscess or infection

An abscess or infection of the gums or teeth can be one of the most severe dental emergencies. Infections of the mouth can even travel to other parts of the body if they are left untreated for too long. Swishing salt water around in your mouth can help mitigate some of the pain caused by abscesses, but a dentist should be sought out immediately to avoid further damage.

Missing tooth or teeth

There are multiple options for replacing missing teeth. If possible, find the missing tooth or teeth and save them for when you can make it to the dentist. If the tooth isn’t in bad shape, the dentist may reinsert it into the tooth socket. Dentures or tooth implants are the other options if you happen to lose one or more teeth.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Options for Replacing Missing Teeth in Albuquerque, NM


Losing one or more teeth does not always have to be a dental emergency. Ensuring that the tooth stays moist after it gets knocked out is crucial to saving the tooth for reinsertion. The most significant way to avoid dental emergencies is through preventative measures. If you don’t want to be looking for options for missing teeth, then take preventive measures to ensure that your teeth stay healthy.

Request an appointment or call Family Choice Dental at 505-634-5657 for an appointment in our Albuquerque office.

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