Learn More About Dental Caps

Dental CapsDental caps are coverings made in the shape of teeth that fully cover the visible portion of the tooth. There are several reasons as to why a patient might require a dental cap. Perhaps you have a tooth that has decayed to the point that too much has dissipated in order for a filling to be placed. A dental cap can also enhance the cosmetic look of a tooth that has become discolored or stained. Dental caps can even restore damaged or broken teeth. Dental caps can also bolster the strength of a weak tooth.

Facts About Dental Caps

Dental Cap Materials

Dental caps are comprised of numerous materials. Some dental caps are made from dental ceramics like zirconia or porcelain. These ceramics are designed to suit the look of the adjacent teeth. Though ceramic dental caps look fantastic, they are not infallible. The only drawback to this style of dental cap is the fact that it is more likely to become brittle as time progresses.

Some dental caps are made of metal alloys like palladium, platinum, gold or non-precious metals. These metal dental caps are typically yellow/gold or white/silver in color. It is also possible to use a combination of the materials noted above with a fusing of ceramic to an interior metal crown. The metal portion is concealed below the porcelain coatings and gums so it does not detract from your beautiful smile.

Why Dental Caps are Revered Throughout the Dental Industry

Thanks to dental caps, it is no longer necessary to remove a heavily damaged or decayed tooth. This procedure empowers your dentist to preserve as much of the tooth's structure as necessary to prevent a potentially uncomfortable tooth extraction. The dental cap restores the entire tooth rather than merely a portion of the tooth. This is a major advantage over a filling that is limited to the area in which the cavity formed. Once your tooth is capped, it should look and function like a regular tooth.

Is There any Difference Between a Dental Cap and a Tooth Crown?

The words “cap” and “crown” are often used by dentists, dental hygienists, and others. Yet patients are often left wondering if there is any difference between the two. These terms are names for the same dental procedure. Think of the term “dental crown” as a more technical term as opposed to “dental cap”. Both terms are a reference to the entire tooth covering placed upon the filed-down tooth. Though some say dental caps are tooth-colored while dental crowns are the color of metal, dentists do not make such a distinction.

Maintaining a Dental Cap

Once the dental cap is positioned, it is imperative you floss beneath the gum line at least once per day. This area should be thoroughly brushed. If you do not clean the dental cap's base with regularity, bacteria will accumulate. A lack of cleaning might also lead to gum disease. Take good care of your dental cap and it will safeguard the tooth from additional decay for years to come.

Call 505-634-5657 to schedule an appointment with Family Choice Dental  in our Albuquerque dental office.

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